The Marketing Challenge
A conglomerate of roofing companies were use to some relative marketing success with their traditional lower funnel Google Ads campaigns coupled with their sales reps door knocking and building relationships with homeowners that possess homes over 20 years of age. Roofs that are over 20 – 30 years of age are typically in need of repair or replacement.
In addition to leveraging the age-of-roof to target homeowners, they would also leverage weather events such as hail storm damage to get their message in from of people in those areas. Given the competitive nature of the roofing space, these roofing companies needed a strategy that provided a full funnel effect beyond the traditional google ads.
For the roofing companies, all marketing for the efforts start, first, by utilizing a “heat map” that identifies market areas hit hardest with the most damage from a storm. This map triggers the entire marketing process whereby the roofing companies deploy boots on the ground to the neighborhoods most affected including door knocking, door hanger/brochures, direct mail specific to these addresses, etc.
In turn, we utilize an ongoing geofencing for roofing companies and addressable geofencing approach in which we are essentially tracking along the movements of the active “boots on the ground.” Addressable Geofencing allows us to engage the same homeowners that live in the neighborhoods of interest. The difference is that addressable geofencing allows us to “prime the pump” so that when the door knockers connect with a resident, that person has likely seen the brand, recognizes the name and is aware of the opportunities for free estimates, repair / replacement services, etc. By using AGF, the roofing companies provide updates nearly weekly so that we are in lock-step with their sales personnel and the specific neighborhoods that they are working.
Additionally, after the sales personnel have left the area, our repetition of engagement on all of the residents’ devices continues for about 30 days so that effected residents can make sensible decisions about getting their roof repaired, etc. We also couple this approach with Site Retargeting-VIDEO for added “punch.” Below are the full effect of targeting we deployed:
- Site Retargeting– Given the challenges in leveraging site retargeting on the Google Display network, and the importance of retargeting people who visited their website, we deployed a site retargeting strategy encompassing 5% of the overall marketing budget. Thus making all of their marketing work smarter.
- Keyword Contextual/Search– After consulting with the client on their core keywords (roofing companies, roof replacement, commercial roof repair), we deployed a keyword strategy targeting people who researched many of these terms through the internet.
- Geofencing Marketing – We deployed a geofencing strategy reaching neighborhoods where they did some prior work in.
- Addressable Geofencing (Audience Curation) – Using our audience curation tool, we targeted people who owned homes over 30 years of age as well as locations with heavy hail storm damage.
With quick learning from the campaign launch, our team and multivariate algorithms optimized keywords and blacklisted specific domains to more precisely target consumers.
Geofencing Marketing Brings Huge Lift In Leads & Air Cover To Roofing Sales Team
In addition to the success of their Google Ads campaigns, we continued with our programmatic strategy to achieve a click through rate above average at 0.19% for static banner ads (90% above industry average) and 0.12% compared to the average 0.10%. But more importantly, we drove 1,000 clicks and well over 15 conversions. If you value the cost of a roof at $15,000 – $25,000, the marketing had a significant impact on new business. The sales reps had an easier time selling more roofing jobs, and the branding and name presence of the roofers expanded in the area. They continue to deploy a holistic marketing strategy to ensure they’re expanding their top of funnel reach, middle of funnel intent, and lower funnel lead flow to the practice.