Sports Apparel Brand Taps Into New Audiences With Geofencing & Display Advertising

Sports Apparel Brand Taps Into New Audiences With Geofencing & Display Advertising

The Challenge For A Sports Apparel Ecommerce Brand

Ecommerce brands are constantly working to generate consistent sales via their platforms.  It’s not enough to have a good website, and let alone a good product.  They must market like crazy, build their audience, find more people in-market for their products, and maintain repeat purchases.

A Sports Apparel organization selling Game Day Boots as well as sports youth products ranging from volleyball to basketball was already seeing success with their current efforts.  They were leverage Google Ads, Facebook, Instagram advertising, and even SEO.

But they knew in order to compete, they needed to evolve their display marketing mix which they wanted to consist of 15% of their marketing spend.  They heard about geofencing marketing and naturally reached out to Propellant Media to inquire about it.

Marketing Mix For Sports Apparel Programmatic Display Marketing Campaign

The team at Propellant Media developed a comprehensive three to four month strategy of geofencing, keyword contextual, 3rd party data segments and site retargeting.  It was important to note that programmatic display is a top to middle of funnel strategy, allowing us to build an audience, create interest, and leverage the retargeting to get people to purchase or buy at some stage throughout the customer journey.  Our ultimate goal was to reach parents with kids in youth sports similar to the data segment below.  In addition, the team wanted to reach college students during football games and sell gameday boots that mirrored the school they attended.  Below is the tactical breakdown:

  • Geofencing Marketing – Our team built geo-fences around gameday football events.  We believed that their core audience was already working at these locations or visiting these locations.  So we wanted to make that audience aware of the brand.
  • Keyword Contextual Targeting – We used very specific keywords based on search queries or articles people were reading online.  We leveraged several the following keywords to reach that audience:
    • gameday boots
    • college football
    • alabama football
    • texas football
    • soccer shoes
  • Site Retargeting – In order to maximize our brand recall and those who visited the website, we developed a site retargeting campaign with a frequency of 6 ads served per day per person to keep them top of mind, not just to our campaigns but to other offline marketing efforts that allow people to visit their website.

Results Of The Programmatic Display Data Targeting Campaign

After working with the national sports apparel company, we produced some fruitful results for the brand.  Below were the results during that time.  After delivering over 3.7M impressions and over 4,700 clicks, the CTR performed 30% above industry average.  Most importantly, the client said during the months of November and December of 2023, it was their best months with sales at the company.

We continue to run campaigns around sporting events and ongoing online browsing audiences.

Have A Marketing Problem? Let Us Solve It.

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47% of consumers surveyed stated that they would be likely to shop from a retailer that offered promotions when they are nearby. “

“Studies suggest that when a user isn’t surfing the web on his or her phone, he or she is likely to spend 86% of smartphone time using apps.”

Geo fencing can be the key differentiator in your business targeting the audience that matters the most to your company.

Why would you not want to be in front of those active buyers?  We can get your company ranked.

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