5 Ways to Use Geofencing to Generate Real Estate Leads

Sold Home For Sale Sign in Front of New House

Have you ever happened to travel to a nearby town and received a text message telling you about the latest offerings and deals at a nearby property space? It’s not a coincidence. Such a marketing strategy is called geofencing advertising, and it is incredibly beneficial if you are looking to get real estate leads without spending thousands of dollars on advertising.

Sold Home For Sale Sign in Front of New House

What is Geofencing?

Geofencing is a location-based marketing strategy that makes use of location technology like GPS, cellular, or Wi-Fi data to show advertisements about your real estate properties to a hyper-specific demographic. They are virtual boundaries a business creates depending on where your potential clients hang out. With this form of advertising, businesses can put forth their offers beyond the local markets using target actions, including sending text messages, social media ads, or app notifications. Some geofencing campaigns can also send emails whenever the potential customer is within the geofence.

Importance of Geo-Fencing Real Estate

When it comes to real estate, reaching your target audience at the right time and place plays a pivotal role. Here are all the reasons why your real estate marketing strategy must include geofencing:

  • With geofencing ads, your real estate business can run targeted ads to reach its ideal clients and motivate them to take action, such as enquiring about the property, contacting your team of real estate agents, or even visiting available properties for sale.
  • Geofencing also allows you to show your potential clients special deals that have yet to hit the local market and how investing in them can be beneficial in terms of savings.
  • Your real estate business can also promote listings to people who have visited other properties previously. Aside from this, you can also invite potential customers to open houses, tell them about your expertise, and offer discounts on pre-booking.

5 Ways to Generate Real Estate Leads via Geofencing

Geofencing is a highly effective way to target your ideal audience directly on their mobile devices with a relevant, impactful message that generates client action. There’s no ‘magic’ to geofencing but the best strategy involves targeting your audience where you know they’re likely to be depending on the kind of lead you want to generate. In addition, it will best serve you to show them an ad that makes them say, “I need to contact them today!”. Your ad should say; who you are, what you do best, where you do it, and why they should call you. Lastly, if you can put a compelling offer in front of them, think along the lines of, “Free Home Inspection with Listing”, then you’ve got yourself a winner! If you’re a home seller or home builder, you should make sure your real estate agent is using these methods to get your home(s) sold!

5 Ways to Generate Real Estate Leads via Geofencing

Geofence New Construction Communities

New construction communities and their sales offices are hotbeds for new home buyer traffic. These are active, in-market home buyers that may not have a real estate agent and could use your expertise in helping them navigate the home buying process. Your strategy should be to geofence as many new construction sales offices within your market area to increase the likelihood of conversion. Homebuyers will see your ads on their mobile devices, click-thru, and land on a page where you can capture their contact info to follow-up.

If you’re a home builder, this is a great way to get a leg-up on the competition! Don’t let all those new homebuyers purchase at the ‘other neighborhood’, show them the value of your community and drive foot traffic back to your sales office by targeting competing communities.

Geofence Credit Unions And Banks

Financial institutions can be a great lead source of financially ready homebuyers and even sellers. Perhaps someone has walked into their local branch to sit with their banker to discuss refinancing, taking out a home renovation loan, or to request a payoff statement. Why not prove value to them and capture their information? Your strategy here should be to show how you can be cost efficient in helping your homebuyer or home seller reach their goals. The right message and offer go a long way!

If you’re a mortgage broker or loan officer, you may be able to structure deals or offer savings in ways traditional banks and credit union can’t. This an amazing way to build relationships and prove value to prospects.

Geofence Real Estate Brokerages

Real estate brokerages are often filled with people evaluating whether or not they should work with a particular agent and brokerage. Position yourself as a local authority in the real estate market and you could win BIG! What do you have going for you that this brokerage doesn’t? Perhaps, it’s your digital marketing savvy that’s going to win over a home seller or your quick-action and experience that’s compelling enough to generate interest for a home buyer. Your strategy here should be to prove value to your prospect that you’re not just an option but your local markets go-to!

If you’re a home builder, this is a great strategy to keep your new community top of mind to performing agents and their clients. It’s a 2-for-1! The same goes for mortgage brokers and loan officers!

Geofence Transitioning Neighborhoods

Every major metropolitan has transitioning neighborhoods. In Atlanta for example, the communities within a 2-mile radius of the newly constructed Mercedes Benz Stadium are on FIRE????!  Investors and new home buyers are flocking to this area to get in on the huge upside of rental income and equity, and of course for each home, there is to be purchased there is a home needing to be sold! Don’t you love it as a real estate agent when you get both sides of the transaction? ????Your strategy here should be to prove value to all parties in showing you have a system that works! You are a nimble agent, knowledgable of market trends, and have the best pricing strategies to get the job done, whether you’re helping your client buy or sell a home.

Geofence Homes For Sale

Current homes for sale, vacant or occupied posses major upside for targeting ongoing showing traffic and open house traffic. Not everyone viewing a home or attending an open house has a buyer’s agent. Your strategy here should be to prove value to your prospect that you’re an authority in the local market and can help them to negotiate a great deal. Perhaps you can display how the last few homes you’ve sold were $x,xxx amount below list price. What a great hook!

I hope you enjoyed these 5 Ways to Use Geofencing to Generate Real Estate Leads. If you’ve found any value in this blog please share on your social media or with your colleagues. You’re welcome to contact us today to learn more about how Idya Realty can help you purchase or sell a home in Atlanta, Georgia.

Thank you for reading!


Do you have a list of customers or business addresses? Addressable Geofencing can be used both as a stand-alone tactic and to improve the results of addressable TV campaigns, direct mail campaigns, and other marketing efforts that target specific households. By extending the reach, improving the frequency, and providing foot traffic attribution through conversion zone tracking, Addressable Geo-Fencing makes all household and business address targeting efforts more effective through automated plat line geofencing drawing capabilities.

For example, perhaps you want to target a ‘feeder’ neighborhood for your listing. The benefit of using Addressable Geofencing is that you can target people directly on their mobile devices at home, and track foot traffic back to your listing and or your open house. Imagine how much VALUE that brings to your seller and your services!

Here are 5 benefits of using Addressable Geofencing:

  • Highly Precise – Targeting is based on plat line data from property tax and public land surveying information to maximize the precision of addresses being targeted. Up To 90% Match Rate
  • Highly Scalable – Up to 1 million physical household and business addresses can be targeted per campaign.
  • Provides Foot Traffic Attribution – Conversion Zones can be used with Addressable Geofencing campaigns to track uplift in foot traffic to the advertiser’s location.
  • Multiple Creative Formats – Advertisers can utilize static ads, video ads, and OTT (i.e Roku) Ad campaigns with addressable geofencing.
  • More Precise Than IP TargetingAddressable geofencing is even more precise than IP Address Targeting, yielding a 90% match rate.

If you’re ready to get started with any one of these 5 Ways to Use Geofencing to Generate Real Estate Leads contact Propellant Media at (877) 778-7358 ext. 711. Propellant Mediais a digital marketing and media solutions provider. They help their Clients maximize leads, elevate customer and prospect engagement, and increase sales in a highly competitive digital, search and mobile-first world. Take a look at this client success story to learn more, New Home Builder Drives In Person Visits With Propellant Media.

Why Should You Use Geofencing for Real Estate Marketing?

Here are all the reasons for a real estate business to use geofencing marketing:

  • Geofencing technology enables real estate companies to target clients looking for properties in a specific location.
  • You can consider geofencing competitor listings to attract potential customers to your property as an alternative if your target audience is still looking to invest in properties.
  • Geofencing open houses that align with the theme of your offering can help attract customers who are already looking for a valuable offer.
  • Consistently show your listing to your target demographic, creating constructive brand awareness.
  • Determine the effectiveness of your geofencing strategies by analyzing click-through rate, the number of people who viewed and engaged with your ad, and the number of people who got in touch with you after seeing the ad.

Best Practices for Geofencing for Real Estate Marketing

Here are the best practices that will ensure your location-based marketing is a cakewalk:

  • Identify locations where your target audience spends most of their time and set up virtual boundaries in these areas so that whenever your target customer is nearby, they receive a message.
  • Use smaller and multiple geofences across your target location. Avoid making them overly large, as it can impact strength and effectiveness.
  • Include a clear CTA to ensure your potential customers know what actions to take once they come across your ad.
  • Only run ads during peak hours instead of keeping them on 24×7.
  • Use strong yet approachable wording to entice your customers. Geofenced ads are short format, and making them too long will dilute your message.


With geofencing ads, real estate businesses can simplify how and when they approach their customers. The ad technology makes it convenient for businesses to understand consumer behavior and show up when looking for options. It reduces stress and significantly improves the chances of getting a qualified lead.

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47% of consumers surveyed stated that they would be likely to shop from a retailer that offered promotions when they are nearby. “

“Studies suggest that when a user isn’t surfing the web on his or her phone, he or she is likely to spend 86% of smartphone time using apps.”

Geo fencing can be the key differentiator in your business targeting the audience that matters the most to your company.

Why would you not want to be in front of those active buyers?  We can get your company ranked.

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