How Propellant Gets 600 Leads Per Months By Leveraging Our Own Services

How Propellant Gets 600 Leads Per Months By Leveraging Our Own Services

The Challenge We Faced As A Growing Agency


As an agency, Propellant Media works hard to husband its resources.  We watch our operating budget as much as our marketing budget.  We also realized as an Agency, we couldn’t simply provide recommendations to our clients and not take on those same suggestions for ourselves.

So instead of putting up a website that told people we existed, or simply relying on our networking skills, or even putting up a meager Adwords budget, we leveraged our skillset and the same exact recommendations we give our clients…for our own Agency….and something magical happened.


magnifying glass


Solutions We Implemented


Website Enhancements

We knew we had to build a website that exuded confidence, told our story in compelling ways, and gave searchers as much information to make an informed decision to contact us or not.  After 150 web development hours, 50,000 plus words of content, and over 100 pages of information, we completed the task of building a robust website.  Here are a few of the areas we focused on:

  • Built out landing pages centered around each service, topic, and case study we could tell a story and educate around.
  • We created multiple ways for people to connect with us: chat boxes, form submissions on most landing pages, phone number easy to be found, video content, call to actions, pop up forms, etc…
  • Ensured the website was well interlinked so we could lead people to the content that we wanted them to see

SEO (Organic Search)


on page optimization

Speaking of a website with 50,000 words of content, we knew we had to create landing pages that spoke to each service, topic and conversation we wanted to dominate.  Search Engine Optimization is a competitive space, but with great content and a compelling story, we knew we could capture more searchers who will see Propellant Media as the expert in our individuals niches of Geofencing, Programmatic Display, Paid Search, and Facebook Advertising.   And of course, an agency that knows how to rank on Google Page 1 for keywords presents a compelling argument it understands SEO.

So our team implemented several steps for our SEO plan:

  • We built a stellar website.  Many companies neglect this, but great websites typically make it easier to attract links, brand mentions, and social shares.
  • Second step was creating content around specific topics centered around our agency’s core services.   Between our blog and our landing pages, we have a website with over 50,000 words.
  • Third step was a true marketing, PR and link building game plan which including Podcast Interviews, blog posting, and social media outreach.

Google Adwords & Bing Ads


With a group of Adwords certified professionals who have worked on $1,000,000/month campaigns, we knew we had to utilize this experience for ourselves.  We picked 2 – 3 of our core services, and built out campaigns that were tightly controlled, provided rich landing pages experiences, and could be scaled once profitable.  We now spend big on Google Adwords and Bing Ads across several of our service lines.

Here are several of the ways we implemented our Google Adwords & Bing Ads Campaign:

  • We located long tail keywords that were directly related to our services and solution set
  • We developed of 300 adgroups that maintain only 1 keyword per Adgroup.
  • We built 4 – 6 Ads per AdGroup so we can split test and find the best performing ads
  • We built 1 Keyword Per Adgroup in order to achieve high Quality Scores and gain more control over keywords that are under or over performing.
  • After reviewing our “search terms” report daily, we continuously added underperforming and unintended terms to our Negative Keyword list so our ad budget is being allocated to the keywords we know will translate into meeting and appointments.
  • We expanded these key learnings to Bing Ads as well as Canada and UK.

Facebook Ads/Social Media Advertising


We have several clients who utilize Facebook Adwords as part of their marketing mix.  When companies reach out to us, they always tell us several days later “we see you guys everywhere.”  That’s actually what we want to hear.  And we utilize Facebook and even LinkedIn to continue speaking to those who express an interest in our agency.

We leveraged several targeting methods to keep Propellant Media top of mind and disrupt people’s regular viewing pleasures on Facebook:

  • Interest Based Targeting
  • Demographic Based Targeting
  • Behavioral Based Targeting
  • Video & Static Ad Advertising
  • Site Retargeting via Facebook & Instagram


Geofencing & Programmatic Display


Geo fencing advertising

From geofencing marketing and search retargeting, we ensure our team is utilizing best practices to locate intent based shoppers who may need geofencing services or upcoming trade shows we want to get our message in front of.  We leverage:

Analytics & Measurement

When we say we practice what we preach, we mean it.  Our team had ensure we tied in all our marketing efforts into our analytics and reporting so we could focus on the channels providing the greatest ROI.  Here’s how we did it:

  • We implemented Call Rail, a call tracking software that allows us to measure which phone calls came from which digital channels and keywords.
  • We placed pixels on our website so we could implement a robust site retargeting and analytics campaign including LinkedIn, Facebook, Google Analytics, Google Adwords, Bind Ads Programmatic, and other critical Pixels:
  • We implement Hubspot as part of our marketing hub to measure analytics but also tie it into our sales software

This remains a constant process of fine tuning, but we now know which channels produce the most leads for us so we can shift marketing dollars to the highest performers, and improve the under performers.

Results In A Short Timeframe

With patience and hard work, Propellant Media went from 5 organic visits a day to 40 – 50 organic visits per day, a 900% increase.  Our bounce rate (time spent visiting one landing page without visiting another on the same website) on the website decreased from 80% to 55%.  Time spent on website increased from 1 minute to 2 and half minutes.  This was due to the longer forms of content and the videos our team produced to showcase our case studies and “how to’s.”

A Google Analytics dashboard displaying a line graph of user data from January to May 2018.

But most importantly, our lead flow increased from 2 – 4 leads per month to now where we manage over 350 leads per month.  And we’re not simply talking about clicks to our websites.

We view a lead as someone who enters their name, website, company name, and phone number.  Because our team has a hub of collecting that contact information, we’re able to track all the leads to come into our agency and we know precisely where they are coming from.

A line graph titled

Adwords Performance

Our team average a 7.1 Quality Score across our entire campaign.  But more important, our average cost per lead (someone who calls, enters contact information, and engages on our chat box) remains at $25.00.  On Bing Ads, our cost per lead is closer to $15.00.  We continue to expand our Adwords campaign because the return on investment is positive.

Have A Marketing Problem? Let Us Solve It.

Are you looking to white label/resell services or needing digital advertising for your own brand?(Required)

47% of consumers surveyed stated that they would be likely to shop from a retailer that offered promotions when they are nearby. “

“Studies suggest that when a user isn’t surfing the web on his or her phone, he or she is likely to spend 86% of smartphone time using apps.”

Geo fencing can be the key differentiator in your business targeting the audience that matters the most to your company.

Why would you not want to be in front of those active buyers?  We can get your company ranked.

Fill Out the contact form or call us at 1 (404) 620-4791.

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