9-Figure Mattress Store Uses OTT Advertising & Geofencing To Sell More Furniture

A northeast furniture store with many locations wanted to think “outside the box” of traditional advertising so that they could formulate solutions to the many “pain points” in which the COVID pandemic was changing the landscape of doing business.  They were doing the traditional Google Ads, Facebook and TV Advertising.  To further complicate the challenges, the pandemic created inventory/supply chain shortages. Regardless, the furniture company still wanted a proactive approach to reaching in-market shoppers who were most likely to purchase mattresses and furniture. 

By utilizing our counsel, strategies and platforms for 6 months, they started with a $3,000 per month budget and for the past 21 months, their budget has fluctuated between $20,000 to $40,000 per month. 

Primary Challenges The Furniture Store Faced

COVID changed the landscape in how furniture businesses operate

Although the pandemic has affected so many in so many ways, the “spirit” and “attitudes” of this furniture brand allowed them to “fight and win” versus others who have adopted a “wait and see and hope to survive” attitude. Simply put, do nothing, get nothing.  SO they double downed on their digital advertising and sought on new strategies their competitor were not testing.

Supply chain made it tough to get product in on a consistent basis

One of the tremendous advantages to utilizing robust, digital strategies is the ability to be nimble. Digital media buys, pivots, tweaks and optimizations or even “wholesale” changes across the board can be implemented with speed, unlike traditional media buying and placements which can lag. The ability to be nimble allows the dealership to respond quickly to the fluctuating inventory from mattresses to other types of furniture

We were able to furniture and mattress shoppers accordingly, presenting relevant advertising messaging that would resonate with the audiences that mattered most to the multi-location store…at that time. We utilized a “multi-pronged” approach finding furniture buyers or those who have a “high-propensity for being in the market,” coupled with “creditworthiness” and we targeted them at their residences as well as other competitor furniture and mattress stores near their locations.

furniture store ott advertising

Using Addressable Residential Geofencing, this allowed the furniture brand to connect with shoppers during their “research” phase and via their online activities that indicate “intent to buy.”  So, those who think that only targeting or geofencing their competitors is a good strategy are normally sorely mistaken as they are too late to the party and their media spend is wasted.

This furniture store was able to influence the mattress shopper during their research phase so that our furniture store was the one of choice, first. Again, we would use this strategy mixing new mattresses along with coupon redemption codes.

Additionally, the furniture brand’s messaging would resonate with those who were in-market visiting another furniture store or researching mattress and furniture online.  So, the ability to identify different types of buyers and, in turn, serve advertising in the form of banners, display ads, pre-roll video and OTT/CTV Advertising was impactful. If you “entertain the brain, you turn shoppers into buyers.” Simple!

What Propellant Media Was Tasked With

The client didn’t simply want a straightforward geofencing campaign.  Instead, they wanted a holistic programmatic strategy that heavily focused on utilizing their video creative.

It’s imperative to note that a single tactic or strategy is not what wins the day. Instead, we develop a more “holistic” or well-rounded approach strategically. So we came up with the following tactics are deployed in a single campaign

Over A 90 Days Period…The Furniture Store Drove Over 900 Walk-ins To Their Furniture Store

furniture store ott advertisingThis “holistic” strategy allowed us to drive over 900 walk-ins to their furniture store over a 90-day period.  Storage managers were contacting the marketing team about people claiming the coupon codes and noticed the obvious increase in store sales during the advertising period.

The brand has expanded the marketing strategy to more store around the country and has allocated additional marketing dollars to this bucket of digital advertising.

Auto Dealership Uses OTT Advertising To Turnaround A Two Year Slump

The Challenge

A mid-western auto dealership wanted to think “outside the box” of traditional advertising so that they could formulate solutions to the many “pain points” in which the COVID pandemic was changing the landscape of doing business. To further complicate the challenges, the pandemic created inventory/supply chain shortages. Regardless, the dealership still wanted a proactive approach to winning business from the front of the house, with new & used auto sales, to the back of the house bolstering service revenue. Of course, we could jump into all kinds of metrics, numbers, etc. But the most telling number to note is that the dealership has been utilizing our counsel, strategies and platforms for TWO YEARS. They started with a $3,000 per month budget and for the past 21 months, their budget has fluctuated between $10,000 to $20,000 per month. Now, those are numbers we can all understand their meaning…success!

Core Strategy & Solutions We Implemented

COVID changed the landscape in how businesses operate

Although the pandemic has affected so many in so many ways, the “spirit” and “attitudes” of this dealership allow them to “fight and win” versus others who have adopted a “wait and see and hope to survive” attitude. Simply put, do nothing, get nothing!

New car inventory fluctuated from nearly impossible to get cars to sporadic influxes of product

One of the tremendous advantages to utilizing robust, digital strategies is the ability to be nimble. Digital media buys, pivots, tweaks and optimizations or even “wholesale” changes across the board can be implemented with speed, unlike traditional media buying and placements which can lag. The ability to be nimble allows the dealership to respond quickly to the fluctuating inventory from new cars versus used cars versus trucks. 

We were able to target auto buyers accordingly, presenting relevant advertising messaging that would resonate with the audiences that mattered most to the dealership…at that time. We utilized a “multi-pronged” approach finding car buyers or those who have a “high-propensity for being in the market,” coupled with “creditworthiness” and we targeted them at their residences. 

Using Addressable Residential Geofencing allows the dealership to connect with auto buyers during their “research” phase and via their online activities that indicate “intent to buy.” This preemptive strike is crucial due to the fact that 81% of those who show up at a dealership buy a car within 2 weeks.” So, those who think that only targeting or geofencing their competitors is a good strategy are normally sorely mistaken as they are too late to the party and their media spend is wasted.

Our dealership was able to influence the car buyer during their research phase so that OUR dealership was the dealership of choice, first. Again, we would use this strategy mixing new versus used car emphasis according to inventory. 

Additionally, the dealership’s messaging would resonate with those who only wanted to sell their car but not buy one. So, the ability to identify different types of buyers and, in turn, serve advertising in the form of banners, display ads, pre-roll video and OTT/CTV Advertising was impactful. If you “entertain the brain, you turn shoppers into buyers.” Simple!

  • New car shortages put a premium on used cars, yet every dealer was vying to buy up used car inventory and auction prices skyrocketed further squeezing dealership margins

Competition for used cars is brutal. Because dealerships have not had typical 60 to 120 day supplies of new car inventory and, thus, few new cars to sell, they also are not getting the normal flow of trade-ins helping to fill their used car inventory pipelines. As a result, the used car environment became “game-on” and letting the “highest bidder win at sky-rocketing prices” became the reality of the auto auctions. The dealership needed alternatives to securing used cars.

As stated previously, using a mix of strategies and putting the most horsepower on Addressable Residential Geofencing, the dealership is able to fill their used car inventory needs. If they need more cars, we target “car people” vs. “truck people.” 

  • Unique to this dealership, they were located on the “wrong” side of a major river dividing their smaller market from a major metropolitan area. The car buyer’s migration patterns always favor going to the metro area, first, instead of shopping local and the dealership needed to figure out how to slow this trend. Migration patterns NEVER go in the reverse direction.

The primary tactic for this purpose was Addressable Residential Geofencing, again, for the reasons previously mentioned. But, we didn’t stop there in our creative thinking. We deployed programmatic “keyword search retargeting,” targeting those who show intent for the subject matter by their online behavior by which they are using search words/terms relevant to the dealership’s offerings and services. Note, these searches are not “paid search,” like AdWords; rather, these searches occur throughout the rest of the internet on other search engines, subdirectories, etc. We also utilized “keyword contextual retargeting” (Think “research retargeting) in which the content, articles, blogs, other sites that the person is consuming is relevant to our dealerships offering. Of course, we throttled the “location line” to those doing these activities in our dealership’s “back yard.”

  • “Just because you may not have bought your car from us, doesn’t mean we won’t fix it” was a theme used in their advertising in order to gain more service department customers and new people to start a relationship. Getting people to the service department often translates into new or used car sales.

The primary focus here was on the creative. We made sure that in all of our tactical approaches, that the creative / messaging included a plug for “buying your used car, coupled with specific “service” video creative deployed via Programmatic Video (“Pre-roll”). These service advertisements would be targeted to specific audiences and or utilized in a rotation with the other advertising.

  • Obviously, all dealerships calculate their monthly advertising as a “cost per unit sold.” However, in the current environment, that dynamic was somewhat “out the window.” Instead, the dealership maintains a consistent, monthly digital media spend from $10,000 to $20,000.

It’s imperative to note that a single tactic or strategy is not what wins the day. Instead, we develop a more “holistic” or well-rounded approach strategically. That means, many tactics are deployed in a single campaign–Geofencing, Addressable or Residential Geofencing, Keyword Search Retargeting, Keyword Contextual Retargeting, Site Retargeting, etc.

As we and the dealership are huge believers in data, all metrics are ported into a dashboard in which the dealership has access 24/7. Keeping an “eye on the prize” allows us, as a team, to maximize the dealership’s advertising spend in the most efficient manner. Additionally, our team conducts regular campaign reviews with the dealership reviewing the comprehensive data, including “walk-in visits.” Now, we can answer the age-old question:  “Did our advertising get someone in the door?”

Campaign & Client Results

With a well rounded strategy, we were able to deliver 160 walk-ins monthly and measure online conversions from those who saw the ads online and via OTT Advertising, and ultimately visited the website.  We continued to implemented other tactics including Youtube Advertising, which also impacted overall marketing efforts.

Local State University Defies Expectations During Covid 19 At $10 Cost Per Lead

students or teenagers with files and diploma

The Challenge

This local university has a multi-million dollar marketing budget across their undergraduate and graduate programs.  Between the many competitors they have to face including prominent Georgia and Southeast Universities attracting new applicants and students has not been an easy task.  That in addition to the low brand recognition for the university, they have been slowly growing their presence, but needed new innovative tactics to help them reach the student profile that could thrive as students at their school as well as graduates.  That’s when they reached out to Propellant Media for guidance.

The Solution We Implemented

Our original statement of work included OTT/CTV Advertising and Streaming Radio/Spotify campaigns for undergraduate brand.  But as we continued to work together, they soon learned that our passion and partnership mattered just as much as the results.  It showed in our communication, our execution of campaigns, and bringing fresh ideas based on our prior experience with other colleges and universities we worked with.

Nine (9) Months into our client management approach, and supported by strong results, the University was proactively convinced to dramatically increase our SOW to include

  • Geofencing SAT & ACT locations as well as moments when the admissions team is visits certain recruitment events in the southeast
  • Full Funnel Google Ads campaign centered around brand & non brand keywords
  • Paid Social (LinkedIn & Facebook/Instagram) lead generation campaign
  • Focus on retargeting leads with urgency language to get them to convert into true applicants
  • Now handling their marketing plans for the Biz School and Multiple Grad Programs
  • Implementing a Full Funnel attribution model and tying advertising data to applicant and CRM data
  • All vital digital channels Google Adwords, Bing Ads, YouTube, Programmatic Display, lookalike modeling, CRM targeting, OTT/CTV, Pandora/Spotify, Twitch, LinkedIn, Facebook/Instagram

Results Of The Campaign

As we launched and took over the majority of the campaigns, we helped the client lower their cost per student lead which continued to hover at $10 – $20/student for their undergraduate institution.  Our highest peak of lead flow has grown to 2,800 leads per month.

And for the graduate programs, we helped decrease the cost per lead went from $1,100 to $250, thus filling up each department across all the grad programs at the University.  We currently manage over 25 graduate programs each with their own set of strategies.

We have been a partner with the institution for over 3 years and counting.

The University was featured in several publications highlighting the roughly 20% year over year growth despite COVID-19 and the expected increase in competition due to it.

Solar Energy Company Shines With Our Team At $148 Cost Per Conversion

solar panel

Solar Company Challenge

This company was trying to find a partner who could meet a CTR goal of .08% in the alternative energy vertical with minimal success. They needed a geofencing solution, but also reporting that would provide full transparency to overall reporting infrastructure.  They enlisted the help of our team to more precisely target their audience and drive down the CTR they had been seeing from other vendors.

Solution We Implemented

After better understanding the overall campaign challenges, we decided it was vital to implement a full funnel programmatic strategy that included geofencing marketing, site retargeting, and keyword contextual search retargeting.

  • KeyWord Contextual Search Retargeting: We started the campaign with an expanded keyword set due to our expertise with energy campaigns for both search retargeting and keyword contextual. We were then able to quickly optimize at the keyword level for the best performing keywords in the set. Following the keyword optimization, the team used day-parting and domain targeting to improve the performance. The final piece of the puzzle was optimization based on recency.  The recency window was made smaller and the efficiency was greatly improved.
  • Site Retargeting: Knowing the client was already doing google ads and facebook/Instagram advertising, we needed to implemented other forms of site retargeting to provide even more support to their overall advertising efforts.  So we carved out 5% of the budget to make their overall advertising work smarter.
  • Geofencing MarketingOur tried and true geofencing campaign is a bedrock of what we do and why they reached out to us.  We geofenced new constructoin communities that were single family in nature knowing these families and home buyers were open to implementing solar panels in their homes after they were fully and close to constructed.

Result (Improved the Client’s CTR)

Through multiple tactics and optimizations our team was able to achieve a CTR of .25% which more than tripled the company’s goal of .08%.  Over the cost of $4,000/month, we were able to attribute 27 conversions, or $148 cost per conversion.

In addition, the client noted the uptick in leads flow from the site retargeting, which lowered their cost per lead across facebook and google ads campaign because of the full funnel advertising that was implemented.

How We Assisted A Senior Care Living Facility Capture More Patients With Geofencing

nurse helps elderly woman at breakfast

Client Challenge

A regional senior care living facility with a good reputation was struggling to find new ways to gain the proper brand exposure through advertising efforts.  They were already doing Google Ads, SEO, and even TV Advertising in the local communities.  They knew there needed to be a more direct approach to reaching loved ones or senior ready to physically transition into a senior care community.  After learning about geofencing marketing, they requested our team at Propellant Media put together a comprehensive digital game plan that would help them drive walk in foot traffic, inquiries and tours of their facilities.


The Solution We Implemented

From the 4 plus senior care living locations we initially focused on driving foot traffic to, we thought a full funnel programmatic advertising plan was prudent to give all tactic added support:

  • Geofencing Marketing – We created a geofencing campaign targeting ER’s, hospitals, other competitor senior care facilities, and other core locations that became a natural transition point for seniors needing assisted living care.  We targeted over 25 – 30 locations per each individual senior care facility.
  • Keyword Contextual/Search Retargeting – We utilized popular keywords such as senior living, senior care, and senior care near me to reach people across the internet that showed intent.  We even utilized many of the top performing keywords the client furnished from their existing Google Ads campaigns and SEO work to ensure we gave it full coverage.
  • Site Retargeting – The site retargeting included a strategy that was centered on display ads, OTT Advertising and pre roll video.  This full funnel strategy also allowed us to engage senior care audiences knowing they would be more engaged with video in comparison to display ads.
  • Conversion Zone Tracking – In order to measure conversion, we placed a view through conversion pixel on the client’s website in order to measure people who saw the ads and then came to the client’s website or converted on a particular page.  But more importantly, we measured people who saw the ads and came to the client’s physical location.  This is how we’re able to show attribution across Geofencing Marketing campaigns.

ur team was also able to implement our conversion zone tracking, enabling us to measure those who have either clicked or seen the display ads from those who walked inside of our geofencing targets, and measure those who came back to the assisted living facilities.


The Campaign Results

Over the first few months of the campaign, the results have been both powerful and encouraging to our team.  Our team found a minimum of 60 tours/walk-ins attributed to the geofencing marketing campaign we ran in driving brand awareness and walk-in’s to their facilities.  And that was over a 30 day period.  As we continue the campaign for this client, we will naturally see a reduction in cost per visit.

Hotel Property Targets Travelers With Programmatic Display


The Challenge

A hotel property in a popular tourist destination city was looking to increase awareness among their relevant audience and drive up their programmatic advertising performance. They also wanted to focus on supporting their restaurant and dining locations at their hotel and resort as it was lacking in brand awareness and walk-in traffic due to the competition in the area.  They enlisted the help of our team to precisely target consumers interested in travel to their location.


The Solution We Implemented

Travel is a very unique area.  Given the high competition and number of options available for travelers, we had to implemented a very defined strategy for each tactic because we had 2 objectives: improve brand awareness and target travelers who could show interest in their hotel; and secondly drive restaurant/dining traffic to local travelers.

Our team developed a comprehensive strategy of search retargeting at the keyword level, site retargeting and mobile geo-optimization.

  • Keyword Contextual/Search Retargeting: Instead of targeting an entire country, we focused on keyword contextual and search retargeting based keywords for people looking for hotels in the key city.  So hotels in miami was a sample keyword we leveraged knowing we were getting our ads in front of those individuals expressing interest in hotel properties in miami.
  • Site Retargeting: We decided to tap into multiple DSP’s (not only 1), in order to expand our site retargeting efforts. This gave us even more air cover and further supported their Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and other omnichannel advertising efforts.
  • Geofencing Marketing: We were quick to explain to the client that using this tactic to attract travelers to the hotel would not be wise because there were not great practices in identifying people around the country based on their physical activities that would tell us they are firmly interested in booking travel.  That’s where search and keyword contextual came in.  Instead, we used geofencing to impact their restaurant and dining options that were available.  We geofenced nearby restaurant competitors, other competitors hotels, and local beaches.  We served creative ads that were promotional in nature and got people thinking about other local dining options at the hotel.

With quick learning from the campaign launch, our team and our multivariate algorithms optimized keywords, blacklisted specific domains to more precisely target customers, and adjusted the frequency cap and pacing to maximize budget. We also shifted budget to higher performing areas and swapped creative to keep the advertisements relevant through changing seasons.


The Results

Through multiple tactics and optimizations, our team achieved a CTR of .33%, more than tripling the client’s goal of reaching the industry average CTR of .08 – .1%.  In addition, we leveraged conversion zone tracking to measure those who saw the geofencing marketing ads and then came to the hotel to dine or other reasons.  Over the course of 3 months, we measured over 198 walk-in conversions.  Of that, 11 people clicked on the ads and the rest saw the ads and came to the hotel, letting our team know there was strong influence from the geofencing marketing campaign.

Local College Grows Campus Visits With Geofencing Marketing

education marketing

The Challenge

A local college was use to traditional digital advertising channels including paid search, Facebook advertising, and even some offline marketing including billboard ads.  Lead flow for the college was meager and they wanted to consider solutions that extended beyond typical lower funnel tactics.  After learning about geofencing advertising, the college decided to add it to its marketing mix.


Propellant Media utilized a list of nearby high schools that we believed were relevant targets based on the college’s existing base of students who attend the college.  Our strategy included:

  • Geofencing Marketing – we targeted SAT & ACT locations with our geofencing marketing solution.  We also geofenced their top 20 feeder high schools around the country.
  • Creative Ads – We also utilized some compelling creative ads we believed would speak to the particular careers that students were most interested in at the college.
  • Omnichannel Site Retargeting – We tapped into multiple DSP’s and channels to retarget users over and over again who expressed an interest in the college.


Over the course of a short period of 1 1/2 weeks while the campaign remains active, the geofencing advertising campaign drove over 30 walk-in visits and overall tours at the college.  The client also saw a reduction in overall cost per conversion for Google Ads and Facebook campaigns due to the site retargeting we implemented for the College.

Apartment Complex Converts With Geofencing

The Challenge

An apartment complex for senior citizens was looking to advertise a rent-free promotion and drive inquiries from potential new residents. They enlisted the help of our team to utilize new geo-fencing technology and several other tactics to more accurately reach their target audience and drive visits to their website and physical location.

The Strategy & What We Implemented

We knew we had an opportunity to reach the target audience with programmatic display solutions.  So we focused on the follow digital tactics:

  • Geofencing Marketing – The advertiser identified the key locations to reach their target audience and our team built geo-fences around those sites.
  • Site Retargeting – The campaign also featured search retargeting at the keyword level and category contextual targeting to reach users interested in senior living.
  • Keyword Contextual/Search Retargeting – We leveraged a number of popular keywords such a 50 plus apartments, senior apartment living, etc.. in order to ensure we reached our target audience.
  • Conversion Zone Tracking – Additionally, the client decided mid-flight to implement a geo-fence conversion zone around the apartment complex in order to measure the number of individuals who were delivered an ad and then visited the complex. Our team and our multivariate algorithms worked to continually optimize the campaign mid-flight by optimizing keywords, category contextual elements and more.


Over the month-long campaign, our team delivered a .41% CTR, more than quadrupling the industry average CTR of .08-.1%. With our team’s Conversion Zone tool, the advertiser was also able to track 109 geo-fence conversions at a CPA of $4.51.

Non Profit USA Water Polo Brings Marketing Awareness Youth & More Viewer

The Challenge For A National Brand Expanding Awareness

USA Water Polo, despite being a nationally recognized sport is not as recognized for recreational purposes.  Many kids and teenagers enjoying the sport of competitive swimming, but water polo as a sport pales in comparison other sports more recognized by Olympics and other national sports committees.

USA Water Polo knew they had a task on their hands with limited budget to achieve 3 things:

  • Reach youngsters who already have a passion for swimming to learn more about water polo
  • Get people to join the organization and even give back to the non profit
  • Get more eye balls watching water polo events throughout the county

After hearing about geofencing marketing and knowing they were not getting enough out of the Google Grant, the director of marketing wanted to deploy more sophisticated strategies to grow the brand  We deployed geofencing marketing, programmatic audio, site retargeting, Google Ads, and a new tactic with Facebook/Instagram advertising in which we took our geofencing audience and pushed that audience into the Facebook Instagram Platform.

Marketing Mix For USA Water Polo Campaign

The team at Propellant Media developed a comprehensive  strategy of geofencing (YMCA’s and other locations people frequent for swimming), site retargeting, google ads (grant), pre roll video, OTT/CTV Advertising, and facebook/instagram advertising.

  • Geofencing Marketing – Our team built geo-fences around YMCA’s.  We did do this across the enter USA, but instead key cities that they truly wanted to raise their profile in including Texas and Florida.
  • Site Retargeting – In order to maximize our brand recall and those who visited the website, we developed a site retargeting campaign with a frequency of 4 ads served per day per person to keep them top of mind, not just to our campaigns but to other digital advertising efforts we were deploying including Google Ads and Facebook/Instagram advertising.
  • Google Ads – As part of our omnichannel marketing company, we went after in-market terms such as:
    • water polo
    • polo olympics
    • water polo membership
    • open pools near me
    • public pools near me
  • Facebook/Instagram (New Tactic) – Our team developed a proprietary method that allows us to use our existing geofencing marketing platforms, build our geofencing audiences on those platforms, and push those audiences into Facebook and Instagram.  We’re not talking about building 1-mile radii circles on Facebook.  We’re talking about utilizing our current platforms and saving that audience in the Facebook Meta Ad Manager.  This campaign improved the overall effectiveness of the existing geofencing marketing campaign.

Results Of Geofencing & Google Ads Grant For

Below is the summary of actual results we produced for USA Water Polo.  They continued to get more eyeballs reaching their target audience, but more importantly we achieved macro conversion metrics desired by the organization including:

  • Conversions – Over 400 people who expressed an interest in joining the organization
  • Over 22 people who chose to give back to the organization
  • Over 3,000 clicks solely from the Meta campaign.

USA Water Polo continues to be a client with Propellant Media.

Google Ads Dashboard

Ads Manager Manage Ads Cam

State Assemblyman Running For Office Achieves 400% Above Average Engagement With Video Political Advertising

Political Candidate Uses Programmatic Video

Running for office is challenging.  You need to find the right message, raise funds, knock on doors, and get your message to the masses.  We were approached by an existing client who expressed an interest in utilizing us for geofencing marketing and video marketing to get his message to Californians for a State Assembly Seat.
He wanted to do something different than traditional offline marketing.  That’s when we devised a plan that included a lot of video content he created.

Marketing Mix For Political Programmatic Display Marketing Campaign

Using a client-supplied voter list in his district, we are executing:
  • Addressable Geofencing via Programmatic Video –Think “Pre-, Mid- and Post-roll video”
  • Also executing OTT television to large & small screens to those in the list who stream their television content
  • Website Retargeting whereby we are retargeting visitors to the candidates website with Programmatic Video
It was imperative to always include creative assets and strategies that provide a “clickable” environment. We used Programmatic Video for this purpose, but we highly recommend including banner & display ads.

400% Above Industry Average

Using pre-roll video and addressable lists of targeted voters, we were achieving 0.5% CTR, which is 400% above industry average.  The client continues to receive incredible engagement from his video content and we’ve incorporated other types of video including over the top connected tv advertising content to the mix.

As Efren says, “It’s Not Just The Message, It’s The Method!”.  Our method of data targeting has lead to above average engagement for his candidacy.

Sports Apparel Brand Taps Into New Audiences With Geofencing & Display Advertising

The Challenge For A Sports Apparel Ecommerce Brand

Ecommerce brands are constantly working to generate consistent sales via their platforms.  It’s not enough to have a good website, and let alone a good product.  They must market like crazy, build their audience, find more people in-market for their products, and maintain repeat purchases.

A Sports Apparel organization selling Game Day Boots as well as sports youth products ranging from volleyball to basketball was already seeing success with their current efforts.  They were leverage Google Ads, Facebook, Instagram advertising, and even SEO.

But they knew in order to compete, they needed to evolve their display marketing mix which they wanted to consist of 15% of their marketing spend.  They heard about geofencing marketing and naturally reached out to Propellant Media to inquire about it.

Marketing Mix For Sports Apparel Programmatic Display Marketing Campaign

The team at Propellant Media developed a comprehensive three to four month strategy of geofencing, keyword contextual, 3rd party data segments and site retargeting.  It was important to note that programmatic display is a top to middle of funnel strategy, allowing us to build an audience, create interest, and leverage the retargeting to get people to purchase or buy at some stage throughout the customer journey.  Our ultimate goal was to reach parents with kids in youth sports similar to the data segment below.  In addition, the team wanted to reach college students during football games and sell gameday boots that mirrored the school they attended.  Below is the tactical breakdown:

  • Geofencing Marketing – Our team built geo-fences around gameday football events.  We believed that their core audience was already working at these locations or visiting these locations.  So we wanted to make that audience aware of the brand.
  • Keyword Contextual Targeting – We used very specific keywords based on search queries or articles people were reading online.  We leveraged several the following keywords to reach that audience:
    • gameday boots
    • college football
    • alabama football
    • texas football
    • soccer shoes
  • Site Retargeting – In order to maximize our brand recall and those who visited the website, we developed a site retargeting campaign with a frequency of 6 ads served per day per person to keep them top of mind, not just to our campaigns but to other offline marketing efforts that allow people to visit their website.

Results Of The Programmatic Display Data Targeting Campaign

After working with the national sports apparel company, we produced some fruitful results for the brand.  Below were the results during that time.  After delivering over 3.7M impressions and over 4,700 clicks, the CTR performed 30% above industry average.  Most importantly, the client said during the months of November and December of 2023, it was their best months with sales at the company.

We continue to run campaigns around sporting events and ongoing online browsing audiences.

White Label Partner Rocket Camp Grows Revenues For Their Agency…And Their Clients

As an agency, we want to be able to provide stellar marketing services for our clients and brands.  White Label Partner Rocket Camp Grows Revenues For Their Agency…And Their Clients Propellant Media initially serving direct brands, but as other agencies sought us out to partner and fulfill on their behalf, we create an entire program help agencies win with their client.  Rocket Camp found Propellant Media and learned that we offered unique paid media and data/analytics strategies for middle-market to larger multi-national companies.

Through initial discussions with the CEO and their team, we found ways to integrate with their current operating systems, make their lives easier, give them unique selling opportunities with new clients they were pitching, and most importantly produce results for their clients.

propellant media white label partner academy

Marketing Solutions We Began White Labeling To Rocket Camp

The team at Propellant Media developed a comprehensive three to four month strategy of geofencing, keyword contextual, and site retargeting.  It was important to note that programmatic display is a top to middle of funnel strategy, allowing us to build an audience, create interest, and leverage the retargeting to get people to purchase or buy at some stage throughout the customer journey.  Below is the tactical breakdown:

White Label Partner Video Testimonial

Official Quote From Rocket Camp

“We needed a partner who could provide that same level of expertise and give us the personal attention we were looking for.  We were so confident in the work we were getting, we brought Propellant Media into some of our meetings with those larger multi-national clients.”

Cannabis CBD Company Grows Their Market Share With Geofencing Marketing

The Challenge For Cannabis CBD Marketing

Cannabis and CBD companies are popping up around the country.  And despite the growth and the legalization of cannabis, several advertising outlets such as Google, Facebook/IG, and YouTube still don’t allow for the advertising of such substances.  Thus, this forces cannabis marketing to be relegated to billboards, print, and occasionally some digital platforms that do allow it.

Given the limited opportunities to cannabis advertising in a digital world, several programmatic display platforms are allowing cannabis advertisers to reach audiences online.  Facebook/IG has recently allowed it in a limited capacity the chance to advertise both hemp and CBD….but not cannabis yet.

With the existing limitations, an Ohio based cannabis company reached out to Propellant Media inquiring about our cannabis geofencing advertising capabilities.  We then created a full funnel programmatic strategy to reach those either in-market or fits the mold of a cannabis consumer for medical use.

Marketing Mix For Cannabis/CBD Geofencing Marketing Campaign

The team at Propellant Media developed a comprehensive three to four month strategy of geofencing, keyword contextual, and site retargeting.  It was important to note that programmatic display is a top to middle of funnel strategy, allowing us to build an audience, create interest, and leverage the retargeting to get people to purchase or buy at some stage throughout the customer journey.  Below is the tactical breakdown:

  • Geofencing Marketing – Our team built geo-fences around competitor locations.  We believed that their core audience was already working at these locations or visiting these locations.  So we wanted ot make that audience aware of the brand.
  • Keyword Contextual Targeting – We used very specific keywords based on search queries or articles people were reading online.  We leveraged several the following keywords to reach that audience:
    • Cannabis
    • CBD
    • Hemp
    • Medical Marijuana
    • Weed
  • Site Retargeting – In order to maximize our brand recall and those who visited the website, we developed a site retargeting campaign with a frequency of 6 ads served per day per person to keep them top of mind, not just to our campaigns but to other offline marketing efforts that allow people to visit their website.

Results Of The Geofencing Marketing Cannabis CBD Campaign

After working with the cannabis CBD company out of Ohio, we produced some fruitful results for the brand.  Below were the results during that time.  After delivering over 361K impressions and over 450 clicks, the CTR performed 30% above industry average and we even showed conversions of individuals shopping the online store inventory.

We tracked 149 online conversions, which for us were purchase page and checkout page visitors.  These individuals would first visit the main page and then visit these pages.  This showed both intent from the campaigns and overall progress made in cannabis consumers who wanted to buy direct from the brand.

Large Hospital System Fills Up Nursing Positions With Geofencing Marketing & OTT Advertising

The Challenge For Medical Marketing Recruitment

A large hospital system on the west coast was looking to recruit more nurses including CNA’s, Traveling Nurses, and RN’s.  They haven’t ran Over The Top Connected TV Advertising or Geofencing Marketing in the past.  Given the stiff competition for nursing candidates, they realized they needed to both build their own brand recognition amongst nurses while also focusing on those who are in-market looking for nursing positions.

They have utilized other platforms including Zip Recruiter, Indeed, and other channels they thought would give them exposure to existing nurses who may be interested in switching to their company.

After hearing about geofencing marketing, they didn’t know if it could in fact be successful, but wanted it to remain part of their omnichannel marketing efforts.  We deployed geofencing marketing, programmatic audio, site retargeting, Google Ads, and a new tactic with Facebook/Instagram advertising in which we took our geofencing audience and pushed that audience into the Facebook Instagram Platform.

Marketing Mix For Nursing Recruitment Campaign

The team at Propellant Media developed a comprehensive 12-month strategy of geofencing, data targeting (nursing audiences), site retargeting, google ads, pre roll video, OTT/CTV Advertising, and facebook/instagram advertising.

  • Geofencing Marketing – Our team built geo-fences around competitor hospitals.  We believed that their core audience was already working at these locations, so serving ads to them would give us more exposure to thinking about switching to another hospital system.  We found additional ways to limit waste and prevent less ad serving to the patients.
  • Site Retargeting – In order to maximize our brand recall and those who visited the website, we developed a site retargeting campaign with a frequency of 6 ads served per day per person to keep them top of mind, not just to our campaigns but to other digital advertising efforts we were deploying including Google Ads and Facebook/Instagram advertising.
  • Pre Roll Video – Despite utilizing static display ads, we also deployed pre roll video with a nice testimonial video of one of the workers who’s been with the company for over 1 year further solidifying social proof and and adding another layer of creative ads to the mix.
  • OTT/CTV Advertising – Utilizing the same video ad types, we were able to gain exposure via streaming apps and websites with 15 and 30 second ad spots.
  • Google Ads – As part of our omnichannel marketing company, we went after in-market terms such as:
    • cna jobs near me
    • nursing jobs near me
    • RN jobs near me
  • Facebook/Instagram (New Tactic) – Our team developed a proprietary method that allows us to use our existing geofencing marketing platforms, build our geofencing audiences on those platforms, and push those audiences into Facebook and Instagram.  We’re not talking about building 1-mile radii circles on Facebook.  We’re talking about utilizing our current platforms and saving that audience in the Facebook Meta Ad Manager.

Results Of The Geofencing Marketing Nursing Recruitment Campaign

This Hospital System in Denver, CO worked with Propellant Media for over a year.  Below were the results during that time.

Below is the summary of actual results we produced for the Hospital System.  The quote we received from the client was after implementation, their position were steadily filled up as a result of the omnichannel marketing and geofencing advertising campaign.

  • Conversions – 1,466 Application Landing Page Visits: healthcaresource.com 
  • OTT Video Views – 229K
  • YouTube Video Views – 189K
  • $101,170.74 Spend

Key Digital Channel Insight

  • Average Cost Per Conversion (Facebook/IG) – $33
  • Acreage Cost Per Conversion (Google Ads) – $173 (post conversion tracking).  Pre conversion tracking ($120).
  • Despite not tracking conversions via Google, we drove many conversions for CNA Jobs.
  • Top Google Ads keywords include (cna jobs near me, cna jobs, cna jobs denver, lpn jobs near me, cna hiring near me
  • Programmatic Audio & OTT/CTV turned off in October/November due to talent. Branding opportunities we took advantage of.
  • 15 Second Ads performed well on YouTube & OTT/CTV. Continued through the remainder of the campaign.
  • Average 94% Watch Rates For OTT/CTV

How A MedSpa Leveraged Facebook Geofencing Ads To Achieve A $15 Cost Per Conversion

The Challenge

A local medspa in Los Angeles, CA as you can imagine deals with a ton of competition.  There are more medspas in LA than any other city in the United States.  They were rejected by Google Ads meaning they can’t use Google to advertise their medspa.  They have had some moderate success with Facebook & Instagram advertising.  But those were the core digital advertising tactics they used to gain exposure and drive traffic to their healthcare medspa.

After engaging with another agency that is partnered with Propellant Media to bring geofencing marketing to their brand, we were up to the challenge to see how our platform could target people most likely to express interest in medspa related services such as lip injections, laser fat removal, and other similar services.

As we continued to consult with the client, we learned they were doing some Facebook Instagram advertising with moderate success.  Given our proprietary system of taking our geofencing audiences and pushing them into their Facebook Ads Manager, they also allowed our team to test this new system on their practice.


After conducting a discovery meeting with the agency partner, the team at Propellant Media developed a comprehensive strategy of geofencing, site retargeting, and Facebook/Instagram geofencing to drive performance for the Medspa

  • Geofencing Marketing – Our team built geo-fences around 13 competitor medspa’s in the area.  We also hit other shopping locations where we felt our core demographic frequented, but we still focused the bulk of the budget to the 13 competitor rejuvenation medspa’s.
  • Site Retargeting – In order to maximize our brand recall and those who visited the website, we developed a site retargeting campaign with a frequency of 8 ads served per day per person to keep them top of mind, not just to our campaigns but to other digital advertising efforts they were deploying including Google Ads and Facebook/Instagram advertising.
  • Facebook/Instagram Geofencing – Utilizing the same geofencing audience we were serving ads to via our programmatic ad exchanges, we utilize our proprietary method of pushing that audience to Facebooks & Instagram.  Overall, the process encompassed:
    • Ensuring the client had a Facebook pixel on their website
    • Our team having access to their existing Facebook Ads manager
    • Our team having access to their Facebook Page

This enabled us to ensure we could build the impression based audience in our programmatic geofencing platform and utilize that same audience in Facebook and Instagram.  To be clear, this is not simply a list of people who clicked on the clients ads.  This is an audience of people who were served an impression via our programmatic ad exchanges and serve that same audience on Facebook/Instagram.


This medpa has experienced great results in a short period of time totaling 3 weeks.  Our team delivered 116,000 million impressions, 1200 clicks, but most importantly, 8 geo-fence conversions, measuring the number of users came to their location after seeing an ad.

facebook geofencing instagramBut just as important as that was the 8 conversions we drove from our geofencing campaign audience we build for the client in their Facebook Ads manager.  Our cost per conversion came out to be $15.00 and our CTR was 4.02%…3 – 4X better than the existing campaigns the client was running.

facebook geofencing

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